Jessica W Kennedy
Director & Title IX Coordinator
- Phone: 314-935-3118
- Email: jwkennedy@wustl.edu
Jessica Kennedy is responsible for the development, implementation, and monitoring of Washington University in St. Louis’s meaningful efforts to comply with Title IX legislation, regulation and case law. She works in collaboration with campus partners to implement WashU’s procedures related to sex discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault, including the notification, investigation and disposition of complaints made against faculty, staff or students. She also manages the provision of educational materials and training for the campus community and coordinates the university’s timely response to, and investigation of, alleged violations of Title IX, including the University Sexual Harassment Investigation Board (USHIB).

Cynthia M Copeland
Assistant Director & Associate Title IX Coordinator
- Phone: 314-935-3411
- Email: cmcopeland@wustl.edu
Cynthia Copeland works to support the Title IX Office in its efforts to provide education and prevention strategies related to sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault to university partners and students. Cynthia is also responsible for assisting the mission of the Title IX Office to provide thorough, equitable and timely investigations into all Title IX Complaints.

Jordan Crean
Title IX Education Specialist
- Phone: 314-935-6452
- Email: jcrean@wustl.edu
Jordan Crean serves in a key role for increasing and strengthening university-wide education and training, with a primary focus on issues related to sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, and dating and domestic violence. She works to develop and implement evidence-based, audience-specific training and educational programs, including planning annual training for the University Sexual Harassment Investigation Board (USHIB). She also assists with the planned creation and implementation, and ongoing supervision, of a new Peer Consultants group.

Eva Fischer
Title IX Investigator
- Phone: 314-935-6053
Eva Fischer works as an integral part of the Title IX staff to resolve complaints of sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, domestic and dating violence, and sex discrimination involving undergraduate and graduate students. She serves as the primary investigator for the University Sexual Harassment Investigation Board (USHIB), complying with USHIB procedures for complaints of sexual assault filed against university undergraduate, graduate and professional students, acting as a neutral party in the investigation and providing a detailed, unbiased report regarding the findings of the investigation. In non-USHIB investigations, she also applies relevant university policies and codes to make findings of fact and reach a well-informed and reasoned decision.

Sarah Winkler
Administrative Coordinator
- Phone: 314-935-3393
- Email: sarahwinkler@wustl.edu
Sarah Winkler provides administrative support for the entire Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office staff. She maintains calendars, room schedules and meeting spaces; coordinates travel arrangements, itineraries, and expense reports; answers phones, greets and directs visitors, and ensures that confidentiality of our office is maintained at all times. She also provides logistical support and preparation for presentations, training, interviews, workshops and special events that occur on- and off- campus; updates training materials and case studies; as well as confirms schedules, availability and arranges meeting spaces on an as-needed basis for investigators and other staff.